Monday, October 3, 2011

There was a panel at the IDF conference that I really wish I could have attended

It was on how immuneglobin treatments are prepared, I don't recall if they were talking about Hizentra specifically. They pool 10,000 plasma donations to make a treatment lot/batch, this gives a wide mix of antibodies which our immune-deprived bodies might actually be able to use. Each donation, less than a liter (though I don't know exactly how much) yields 4 grams of IgG.

I'm currently on 10 grams of Hizentra a week (50 ml), which means I need the equivalent of 2.5 plasma donations per week for my continued treatment. So my hypothetical lifeline is five people donating plasma every 2 weeks. For the rest of my life.


I'll definitely have to attend that manufacturing panel if I ever get another opportunity. And I definitely regret having not donated blood and plasma as often as I could have. I did donate regularly and donated over a gallon, but I guess you can never do enough.